Tag Archives: fascial stretch therapy

fascia, tensegrity, structural integration, myofascial release, performance bodywork, fascial stretch therapy, fascia network

The Intriguing World of Tensegrity: Fascia’s Role in Our Body

The human body is a complex and awe-inspiring marvel of engineering. Beneath the skin and muscle lies an intricate network of connective tissues, muscles, and bones that enable us to move, stand upright, and perform countless other functions. One crucial player in this structural symphony is the fascia, a remarkable tissue that plays a vital […]

stretching, stretch, stretching myths, stretching myths debunked, stretching doesn't work, static stretch, ballistic stretch, fascial stretch therapy, stretch therapy

Stretching Does Not Help, but STRETCHING Does.

As a massage therapist and fitness enthusiast, I follow a lot of accounts on social media and listen to podcasts of various professionals in the health/wellness industry including Physical Therapists, chiropractors and various other bodyworkers. For those who don’t, there is a trend lately of discussing the inefficacy of stretching. Some of the claims made […]

Fascial Stretch Therapy is a Game Changer!

I first became aware of Fascial Stretch Therapy in 2011 when I was in massage school. I did not look too deep into it at the time because I was so focused on finishing school and just getting my new career started, so it quickly was forgotten in the back of my mind. I then […]

Best Massage Therapist in Portland – Top 20!

We are very happy and excited to announce that Performance Bodywork has been named one of the top 20 Best Massage Therapists in Portland by Expertise for 2016.  They used multiple variables to determine their list out of 278 choices, including: Reputation, Credibility, Experience, Availability, Professionalism and Engagement. With Portland being such a saturated market […]

fascia, myofascial release portland, what is fascia

What is Fascia?

Fascia is a web-like system of connective tissue that spans throughout your entire body.  It wraps around and compartmentalizes each of your individual internal body parts…muscles, organs, bones, nerves and blood vessels. Fascia keeps all of our structures separate and allows them to move freely between each other through movements.  Fascia provides support and protection, and […]